Difference Between Debtors And Creditors Types and Impact!

distinguish between debtors and creditors class 11

By this definition, creditors are an external liability for the business. A debtor is a legal entity about which we will learn in this topic. This article covers the meaning of debtors, exceptions, debtors vs creditors, and bad debts.

distinguish between debtors and creditors class 11

They also determine the terms of the credit relationship, including interest rate, any fees and loan term, which the debtor can accept or reject. Then the former company will be debtor while the latter company is the creditor. They are the two parties to a particular transaction and hence there should not be any confusion regarding these two anymore.


The word ‘debtor’ is derived from a Latin word ‘debere’, which means ‘to owe’. In this way, the term debtor means the party who owes a debt which needs to be payable by him in short duration. Debtors are the current assets of the company, i.e. they can be converted into cash within one year. They are shown under the head trade receivables on the asset side of the Balance Sheet. In general, debtors are the parties who owes debt towards the company. The parties can be an individual or a company or bank or government agency, etc.

  • Creditors are categorised as current and non-current or long-term creditors.
  • When somebody owes you an amount, it’s basically just a promise to pay the amount back with interest.
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  • In financial reporting, debtors are generally classified according to the length of debt repayments.

If they successfully make payment to your company, they get a certain percentage of the money they collected. This can be done through phone calls, mailing letters or even making personal visits. A collector is assigned to each debtor and they monitor their progress.

The world of finance and business is filled with a variety of terms that can often be confusing. If you’ve ever asked yourself, «What is the difference between debtors and creditors?» then you’re in the right place. This article is dedicated to dissecting the crucial elements that distinguish these two roles, by providing an extremely informative and elaborate understanding of the concept.

Managing Debtors and Creditors for Business Success

The party to whom the money is owed might be a supplier, bank, or other lender who is referred to as the creditor. Debtors – A person or a legal body that owes money to a business is generally referred to as a debtor in the eyes of that business, as he or she owes the money. For a business, the amount to be received is usually a result of a loan provided, goods sold on credit, etc. The relationship that a debtor and a creditor share complements the relationship that a customer and supplier share. Anyone to whom you as a business have to lend in any way, including unpaid invoices on products and services provided to clients, are considered as your trade debtors. Creditors typically have underwriting processes that determine which debtors are eligible for a loan, credit card or line of credit.

distinguish between debtors and creditors class 11

Thus, in other words the only difference between profit and gain is that profit is the excess of revenue over expense and gain arises from other than operating transactions. Any valuable thing that has monetary value, which is owned by a business, is its asset. In other words, assets are the monetary values of the properties or the legal rights that are owned by the business organisations. Offer pros and cons are determined by our editorial team, based on independent research. The banks, lenders, and credit card companies are not responsible for any content posted on this site and do not endorse or guarantee any reviews. These are economic resources that are owned by the business and can be measured in monetary terms.

What Is a Creditor?

Collateral provides a type of guarantee in the event that the quantum owed can not be paid. Some types of creditors can also place restrictions on means. For illustration, if Company A takes out a small business loan from a commercial bank; the bank requires that collateral must be provided before the loan is approved.

For example, wages, rent paid, salaries paid, outstanding wages, etc. External Users
External users are those who are outsiders to an organisation and are interested in the financial affairs of the business. These users do not have a direct access to the financial statements of the business. The following parties come under the head of external users. For example, if you’re taking out a mortgage to buy a home, you’re the debtor and the mortgage company is the creditor.

Reducing Balance Method for Calculating Depreciation

This can be in the form of trade accounts payable or loans payable. If you pay the loan in full, you’ll receive the deed and own the property outright. If you refinance the debt, your new creditor will pay off the original loan, and the original creditor will transfer the deed to the new one. If you sell the home, the buyer will pay off your loan with cash or a loan of their own, at which point your creditor will transfer the deed to the buyer or their creditor. Opposite of the debtor in a credit relationship is the creditor. Other terms for creditor include lender, lessor and mortgagee.

Historical functions deal with the record of past transactions, whereas managerial functions deal with preparing business operation reports. If Alpha Company lends money to Charlie Company, Alpha takes on the role of the creditor, and Charlie is the debtor. Similarly, if Charlie Company sells goods to Alpha Company on credit, Charlie is the creditor and Alpha is the debtor. This can be in the form of loans payable or trade accounts payable. Fictitious Assets− These are the heavy revenue expenditures, the benefit of whose can be derived in more than one year. They represent loss or expense that are written off over a period of time, for example, if advertisement expenditure is Rs 1,00,000 for 5 years, then each year Rs 2,00,000 will be written off.

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Creditors are the current liabilities of the company, whose debt is to be paid within one year. They are called as current liabilities because they provide credit for a limited time and hence, they should be paid, shortly. Creditors allow a credit period, after which the company has to discharge its obligation. But, if the company fails to pay the debt within the stipulated time, then interest is charged for delayed payment. A company must carefully manage its debtors and creditors to monitor the lag between incoming and outgoing payments.

What Are Debtors and Creditors? Understanding Their Differences

A creditor, in other terms, makes a loan to another person or institution. Business transactions, at their simplest, have two parties involved, the debtor and the creditor. In short, a creditor is someone who lends money, whereas a debtor is someone who owes money. Creditors extend the loan or credit to a person, organisation, or firm. At the same time, debtors take the loan and, in return, have to pay back the money within the given time frame with or without interest. To ensure the smooth flow of the working capital, the company keeps tracking the time lag between the receipt of payment from the debtors and payment to creditors.

  • The total invoice amount of 100,000 was not paid by Unreal corp.
  • Ans.The 3 most essential accounting fundamentals are assets, liabilities, and capital.
  • Creditors are generally classified as secured or unsecured.

In other words, a debtor is a person or entity who owes money to another. The sum owing to a debtor is repaid on a regular basis, with or without interest. A distinguish between debtors and creditors class 11 creditor is a person or an organization who gives money to another party right away in exchange for getting money at a later date, with or without interest.

Fixed Assets− These are those assets that are hold for the long term and increase the profit earning capacity and productive capacity of the business. These assets are not meant for sale, for example, land, building machinery, etc. Accounting
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