Sober Definition: Are You Really Sober From Alcohol & Drugs?

Rather than avoiding the idea of this vulnerability, you should instead focus on the different ways in which you could unwittingly invite relapse through the back door. Alcohol-free, you should start to accept life more readily, facing up to challenges, and taking the rough with the smooth. Everyone faces unique challenges with addiction and there is no fixed blueprint for sobriety. That said, these simple pointers should show you that sobriety means a lot more than just putting down the bottle and not picking it up again. You’ll need to remain vigilant, paying close attention to how you feel as well as developing sharper situational awareness to protect yourself from temptation. New hobbies may be most effective when you haven’t tried them before but have been interested in trying them and think they will feel enjoyable or meaningful.

Prior to entering the substance abuse and mental health field, Erin was a Special Education Teacher for 10 years. This shift in mindset laid the groundwork for what would sober house eventually become the disease model of addiction. In this philosophy, individuals started with agency but eventually lost it as compulsion gave way to addiction.

Surround yourself with people who support you

The nuanced definition of California Sober allows people to escape the strict dichotomy of complete sobriety, which might feel too extreme for someone who’s never had an issue with substance abuse or addiction. For many, the deleterious effects of alcohol aren’t present with marijuana use, making it a logical swap for when they want something to help them relax without the risk of a hangover. Unlike those who enter sobriety without recovery, people in rehabilitation can grow healthy mechanisms to fill the void that alcohol and drugs left in their lives. Through therapy, they can develop spiritual, behavioral, and emotional methods to deal with their feelings and urges. Furthermore, people in recovery build great support groups and a network of people who can relate to their difficulties.

Is being in recovery the same as being sober?

What is the difference between sobriety and recovery? Sobriety is simply the state of living without substances. However, recovery involves healing mentally, physically, and emotionally from not only your substance abuse but also the causes of your substance abuse. Recovery is about hope, healing, and health.

She works with The Freedom Center team to develop and implement policies, procedures and oversees Intakes and Transportation. Alexandra works with Admissions and Clinical Departments for scheduling client admissions, transfers, discharges and outside appointments while maintaining positive relationships with all clients. Her primary focus is to provide all clients with a safe, structured environment while coordinating their care. Alexandra understands addiction from both familial and personal standpoints, as she is active in her own recovery.

Recognizing Relapse Warning Signs

It’s about making an active choice not to do certain things and living a lifestyle that will help you get out of a cycle of self-destructive behaviors that no longer serve you. We provide individualized care and offer a personalized experience for each of our residents. If you need a safe place to stay after treatment, we are a phone call away! Our specialists are available around the clock to help you with all of your recovery needs.

You might even benefit from consulting with an alcohol treatment professional to get more clarity on your drinking habits and how they might be affecting your life. Usually, people use this definition in the context of addiction and recovery. For example, a recovering alcoholic might say that they’ve been sober for 5 years. In this blog post, we’ll explore different meanings of sobriety and discuss how to determine if you’re really sober from alcohol and other drugs. No matter what anyone says, your version of sobriety is yours to define. There are plenty of people who have been through addiction, treatment, and have been sober or abstinent for years who can share their experiences with you and make recommendations.

Road to Recovery

In the early 19th century, drunkenness and drug use were heavily stigmatized and seen as morally wrong. Instead of treatment, individuals were met with punitive action including imprisonment. This attitude towards substance abuse and addiction pervaded until the early 20th century once Prohibition had ended. Growing awareness of the influence that the chemicals of these substances had on the body and mind had begun to change addiction from a moral issue to a medical one.

does sober only refer to alcohol

Quitting drugs/alcohol will not completely remove the negative and selfish habits from our addiction. Some people think that when they put down the drugs, they will become this wonderful and admirable person. In fact, sometimes those negative habits and tendencies get worse when a person stops using drugs. During our addiction we used drugs or alcohol for many reasons; to escape, numb emotions, relax, find relief, etc.

There are several new approaches to sobriety in which moderation management is practiced. Instead of abstaining from alcohol completely, moderation management requires the control of destructive drinking habits and patterns. While being sober is related to quitting alcohol, a clean lifestyle means stopping the use of drugs and other hallucinogenic substances. Another term that has assumed significance in this content is ‘recovery.’ Recovery is not just related to the act of abstaining from drinking. It takes a more holistic view of the process, covering a person’s emotional, behavioral, and physical states. The ultimate goal is to reduce dependency, and how a person achieves that goal is dependent on them.

  • I have been on both sides of the fence, active addiction and recovery, and continue to choose recovery every day.
  • They also see recovery as a set of daily small decisions, he adds, and know even one misstep could lead to relapse.
  • Yes, that means that the way it’s used by recovery culture, 12 step groups, and society as a whole, is different from the actual definition.
  • Under certain conditions, alcohol can negatively affect our bodies and personal relationships.

Max began his career in the addiction field working as a group facilitator and teacher, developing and delivering a successful faith-based curriculum in a long-term residential treatment setting. Deirdre graduated in 2012 from Pace University and completed her bachelor’s at Columbia University in New York and has her Master of Science in Family Nurse Practitioner. Deirdre has extensive experience in mental health and treating substance use disorder related issues.

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