Top 6 Most Popular AR & VR Programming Languages for Custom Projects

The fifth step to write VR code that is easy to read and use is to use inheritance and polymorphism for your VR code. Inheritance means that you create a new class that inherits the properties and methods of an existing class, called the parent or base class. Polymorphism means that you can use the same name or symbol for different actions or behaviors, depending on the context or type. For example, you can create a class that inherits from the VR object class, and adds new attributes and methods, such as color, shape, or sound. You can also create a function that takes a VR object as an argument, and performs different actions depending on the type of the object, such as moving, rotating, or scaling.

This is where VR training proves useful and helps developers take into account motion sickness to design a popular VR app. Virtual reality and VR headsets can be categorised into 2 types – vr coding language a stationary virtual world and room-scale experiences. Among these, stationary VR development is the most common among all virtual reality applications, comprising affordable VR headsets.


It’s quite hard to take screenshots, but the following images should at least convey how it looked. To link my Mac to my Quest 2, I can’t rely on a wired connection, as the required software to send signals over this connection currently only exists for Windows. This would be a blocker, but luckily there’s the app “Oculus Remote Desktop”, developed by Meta.

vr coding language

Gaming is still the most popular use for VR devices among all developed apps. For VR training and developing applications on a small scale, you can use C#, which is basic for people getting started with Unity. Just as Unity is the most popular game engine, C# is its most popular language and works across Mac and PC.

Virtual reality is exploding and here are the best programming languages to develop VR applications

Much of Unity’s capabilities come from using C# for programming, a language that works best when building desktop, mobile and VR/AR apps. It’s widely used in real-time game development and VR, with over 90% of VR/AR development companies using C#. This guide will cover everything you need to know about what is VR programming, what are the best VR programming languages to learn and first steps on how to get started. While Python may not be the first language that comes to mind when thinking of virtual reality development, it has a number of advantages, particularly for inexperienced developers. Some developers also use WebVR, while innovative companies believe a more immersive, 3D internet experience will be developed soon.

Among the most common scripting languages in 2022, VR developers prefer JavaScript, followed by Python. To better understand the many common scripting languages, we have narrowed down 5 languages widely used for improved VR experience. The learning process never ends, no matter how skilled you become after taking VR training, and it’s essential to stay updated with a constantly changing field.

Learning the Development Ropes

Motion sickness isn’t something people only experience on winding mountain paths or when seated on the opposite end of the bus. Even in virtual reality, the smoothness of the VR apps determines whether people feel comfortable consuming VR content. I put in my headphones, listen to music and just start coding on a much larger screen, in a dream-like environment. I’m totally “out of reality” and fully immersed in the virtual desktop experience.

  • However, keep in mind that Python’s performance may not be as high as C++ or C# when working on more demanding VR applications.
  • Lua is the major programming language used by game engines such as Gideros mobile, Corona SDK, and CryEngine.
  • If you want to start developing VR apps, the best and most flexible languages to do so will be either C# or C++.
  • It also contains a JAVA 3D API, which allows VR apps to produce 3D graphics and monitor the position and orientation of the user’s body, resulting in an amazing user experience.
  • If you’re looking for a language with solid libraries and frameworks for VR development, C# is a good bet.

Another example is the React Native library; specialists adopt it to generate prototypes and create VR digital products with such a solution. It has become one of the most common VR languages for gaming projects due to its versatility. Apple not only has an official programming language, but they also have their SDK, dubbed ARKit.

Other statistics that may interest you Virtual reality (VR)

The majority of browsers have a JavaScript engine built in to properly execute this code. Ultimately, the best VR programming language for your needs will depend on your existing skills, project requirements, and platform targets. Python’s extensive libraries, such as PyOpenGL for 3D graphics or PyOpenVR for interacting with the OpenVR API, can be valuable tools for VR programmers. However, keep in mind that Python’s performance may not be as high as C++ or C# when working on more demanding VR applications. In addition to the two previously mentioned languages, other popular languages for developing VR applications include both Java and JavaScript.

Swift is an ideal choice for gaming projects and has caught the attention of developers looking to leverage its new features for creating immersive VR experiences. Using SpriteKit, developers can learn how to animate sprites and textures, master physics, animations, and collision effects, and build the user interface aspects of a game. Swift’s modern approach to programming makes it a strong contender in the VR programming landscape.


Objective-C is a programming language that is used for OS X and iOS operating systems and their programming interface. It is object-oriented, general purpose and add new language features in the C programming language. Finally, this is best used for creating virtual reality experiences in Apple devices. Since this language is understood by most browsers, it works well for the WebVR platform involved in creation of web based virtual reality applications. If you are looking for a programming language for vr applications for the web, this one is definitely for you.

vr coding language

There are many possibilities, but becoming a web developer requires a basic understanding of the most used languages. It is possible to construct anything without having to write a lot of code. When you have a good foundation in Python, it will be simple to shift to something more sophisticated, such as C#, if you need even more drive. It also contains a JAVA 3D API, which allows VR apps to produce 3D graphics and monitor the position and orientation of the user’s body, resulting in an amazing user experience. In what other space can you travel back in time to conquer an unfulfilled quest or help medical students practise complex surgeries on the human body without actually having to? And programmers are the creators of this magical space, which can open up a world of limitless possibilities.

Is VR software development a challenging task?

Lua is the primary programming language used by game engines such as Gideros Mobile, Corona SDK, and CryEngine. Popular gaming projects developed with Lua include Age of Conan, American Girl, Angry Birds, and Aquaria. C# would be a useful VR programming language for both veteran and new developers who are just getting started. It is good to know because it is widely used for developing games with Unity, the most popular game engine out there. It will work on both Mac and PC, and a ton of VR apps are created with C#.

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